Here are some funny jokes with titles

1. "Why was the math book sad?"

Because it had too many problems.

2. "Why did the coffee file a police report?"

Because it got mugged!

3. *"What do you call a fake noodle?"*

An impasta!

4. "Why did the computer go to the doctor?"

It had a virus!

5. "Why did the banana go to the doctor?"

He wasn't peeling well!

6. "Why did the astronaut break up with his girlfriend?"

Because he needed space!

7. "What do you call a can opener that doesn't work?"

A can't opener!

8. "Why did the rabbit go to the doctor?"

He had hare-loss!

9. *"Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?"*

Because it ran out of juice!

10. *"Why did the chicken go to the gym?"*

To get some egg-cellent abs!

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face!

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