Here are some adult jokes

1. Why did the man bring a ladder to the party? He wanted to take things to the next level!

2. Why did the woman go to the bar and order a "Sex on the Beach"? Because she wanted to get a little sandy!

3. Why did the man go to the doctor and say, "Doc, I've got a problem. I can't stop thinking about cats." The doctor said, "That's a purr-verse obsession!"

4. Why did the woman go to the bar and order a "Cosmopolitan"? Because she wanted to get a little cosmopolitan!

5. Why did the man go to the doctor and say, "Doc, I've got a problem. I can't stop singing 'I Will Survive'." The doctor said, "That's a disco-very problem!"

6. Why did the woman go to the bar and order a "Long Island Iced Tea"? Because she wanted to get a little tea-d up!

7. Why did the man go to the doctor and say, "Doc, I've got a problem. I can't stop thinking about cows." The doctor said, "That's a moo-d problem!"

8. Why did the woman go to the bar and order a "Pina Colada"? Because she wanted to get a little coconutty!

9. Why did the man go to the doctor and say, "Doc, I've got a problem. I can't stop singing 'YMCA'." The doctor said, "That's a camp-y problem!"

10. Why did the woman go to the bar and order a "Whiskey Sour"? Because she wanted to get a little sour-kraut!

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